Are You A Good Client?


My last post was about what makes a bad client. Here’s the flip side: the traits and characteristics that make agency people get weak-kneed and googly eyed.

Honesty. Good clients have no B.S. If they don’t like an idea, they kill it and tell you why. If they see potential in an idea, they help make it better. They set clear expectations and expect you to live up to them. They avoid ambiguity–– the deadly quicksand of the communications biz.

Intelligent. Great clients know their stuff. They know the product, their corporate politics, the competitive environment, and the cultural landscape. They are curious, interested and interesting, and want to absorb the world. They ask questions, enjoy vigorous discussions and are passionate about the potential of great ideas.

Trusting. The best clients give trust when the agency earns it. They don’t micro-manage. They expect a lot and are happy to provide more responsibility if merited.

Creative. Terrific clients are open-minded. They do not take problems at face value, they explore options and appreciate different perspectives. Their goal is to create something fresh, exciting and rewarding.

Empathetic. Empathy is the critical trait that allows a client (or any human) to make connections. Unfortunately, today empathy is experiencing a global shortage. But the best clients have it. They understand the pressures of the business and the mindset of their consumers. They are intuitive to their wants and needs and know where their product or service can help.

Collaborative. Wonderful clients want to be involved. They interact with the team, ask questions, help shape direction. They love bringing ideas to life and take pride in doing so.

Loyalty. When clients see the value their agencies add, they remain loyal. Like any good relationship, you never want the good thing to end.

Appreciative. Great clients, the one’s that agencies will kill for, are demanding but appreciative. They push us to be our best and enjoy the process of creating work that matters. They’re not dictatorial; they enjoy healthy debate and differing points of view. And at the end of the slog, when the scrumming’s done and the ball’s advanced, they show gratitude and appreciation for all involved. And we raise a glass in their honor.

If this sounds like you, please, please, PLEASE call me. Let’s make some magic together. Thanks.