Is Technology Out To Get Us?

The short answer is, “Yes.”

If your job can be automated, it probably will be.

If it can be performed more precisely and cheaply by a techno-gizmo, it’s just a matter of time until it will be.

If what you produce as a human can be done by a machine, technology has a target on your back that it will read once we install its target-recognition software.

Cue the ironic trombones; the ones only humans understand because technology is still befuddled by the nuance of irony.

Humanity’s got that going for it–– irony, baby. Irony!

Despite what politicians say about protecting good middle-class-building factory jobs, those are vanishing, and not just to places with cheaper labor pools.

The real enemy of middle class employment is usually technology, as stated in this recent NEW YORK TIMES article.

We live in changing times where flux is the norm and we all must learn to adapt. Or become irrelevant.

So, what’s this mean for marketing in the Twenty-First Century? How can we ensure our survival and relevance in a world where our audience is justifiably fearful, skeptical and often cynical?

It means we have to be more human and empathetic and compassionate about our audiences than ever before. We’re all under stress, all overworked and under-appreciated.

Potentially, we’re all in the crosshairs of technology. To quote baseball legend and philosopher king Satchel Paige, “Don’t look back. Something might be gaining on you.”

Marketers should be more respectful of people’s time. And be more rewarding with our messaging–– adding value, entertaining, informing, inspiring, and making every encounter an enriching one.

In 2017, let’s be more creative and more artful with our craft. Let’s stand out and stand for something.

Technology enables ways to reach people in new and innovative ways, but let’s always remember they are just channels to humanity. The messages we deliver have the potential to change beliefs, pique interests, and motivate masses.

One message and one individual at a time.

If you are not up for the challenge, if you’re willing to surrender your insights, your intellect, your perspective and point of view, artistry and creativity in being a human being, be prepared to rendered obsolete.

Because technology will prevail.