Placing Bets in The Marketing Casino

The main casino floor of the City of Dreams is one of the largest in Macau.

Money down, hands up! Today marketers have more ways than ever to place their bets on how best to reach potential consumers.

And everyone is looking for the sure thing. We all want that repeatable winner, the slot machine that always pays. The bet that’s a lock. That surefire invest $1.00, get $1.87 return. Bam! Sweet, let’s do this.

Who doesn’t like easy money? If only it were that simple. There are no sure bets.

Your market, your potential market, has countless ways to be reached and communicated with–– some more efficient than others. But they’re all just pipelines to people. And just because you can reach them there, should you? More importantly, what are you giving them? What’s your story, why should they care, what’s in it for them?

Face it, we’re all selfish. We want things that make our lives better, richer, more fulfilling and enjoyable. We want problems solved, curiosities satisfied, needs met, passions fulfilled.

We want what we want–– how exactly does your product or service fit in?

Basic, right? Yet so many CMOs today are looking for sure bets, that magic media delivery channel to an audience they believe is itching to buy whatever they’re selling. They put their faith in the science of technology, the fad of the new, forgetting the art of communicating with empathy, understanding and humanity.

It’s delusional marketing thinking. In their desire to build a better mousetrap, they forget that mice can think. And mice never, ever think of themselves as rodents.

So, what’s your cheese, marketer? What’s your cheese?